
Treatment structure and expectations:

For Acupuncture it is typical to expect a treatment course of 2-3 visits per week for 2 - 6 weeks although the duration and frequency of treatment is ultimately dependent on a variety of factors such as age, chronicity or complexity of the conditions being addressed, and other complicating factors such as occupation, diet, lifestyle, etc. The effects of Acupuncture are cumulative, so it is critical that treatment frequency is met. Check-ins will be conducted at each visit and treatments are adjusted accordingly.

Cancellation Policy: Appointments that are not cancelled with at least 24 hours notice will be charged in full


Acupuncture utilizes the insertion of fine needles at strategic locations on the body to regulate body functions and abnormal tissue changes. It can be effectively utilized for a wide variety of conditions. Corey emphasizes the use of Acupuncture for the treatment of Orthopedic and Neurological conditions including but not limited to: Tennis Elbow, Golfers elbow, Carpal Tunnel, Peripheral Neuropathy, Bells Palsy, Migraines, Headaches, Sciatica, Piriformis syndrome, Arthritis, and various other types of pain related or general internal medicine conditions. For more information visit


New patIent Intake & Concise Treatment (90min)

This visit will focus on establishing new patients by collecting a health history and overall investigation of any signs or symptoms a patient may be experiencing that could lend useful insight into the treatment of their primary concerns. In this visit the emphasis is on the intake so actual treatment time may be shorter in duration and in some cases treatment may not be given during this visit.

Please wear comfortable and athletic or loose clothing that will allow for easy adjustment in treatment.

~ $150

Follow UP Treatment (60min or 90min with Herbs)

Single Follow Up Treatment (60min) - $100

Single Follow Up Treatment + Herbs (90min) - $100 + cost of herbs

*Three Treatment Bundle - $255 ($15 discount per Treatment)

*Six Treatment Bundle - $480 ($20 discount per treatment)

*Twelve Treatment Bundle - $900 ($25 Discount Per Treatment)

Clinical Massage

Clinically focused massage therapy.


Clinical Massage

Massage that is focused on specific concerns such as pain or mobility. Please wear athletic or loose fitting clothing that can be easily removed or adjusted as necessary for treatment purpose.

Corey incorporates Clinical Massage Therapy into Acupuncture treatments as necessary or as time permits.

Custom Herbal Formulation

Chinese Herbal Medicine is a vast and incredible healing modality that has been used for over 2,000 years. Chinese Herbal Medicine consists of hundreds of herbs that are strategically combined into Individualized formulas to address many different health conditions. Chinese herbs are safe and very effective when prescribed by a licensed Acupuncturist and can greatly enhance your healing when used alone or in addition to Acupuncture treatments. Herbal medicine is ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED for INTERNAL condItions.

Chinese Herbal Medicine Can be used to treat:

  1. Both acute and chronic conditions.

  2. From colds/flus to auto-immune conditions and everything in between.

  3. Sub-clinical conditions or those conditions that may be labelled ‘untreatable’ by other forms of medicine.


herbal consultation

Herbal consultation may be included in Acupuncture visits, but the custom formulation will be an additional cost that will vary depending on the herbs that are included and their dosage. Herbal consultations may also be selected as an individual treatment modality. Herbal formulations typically run upwards of $50 per week.

Follow up (40-60 Min)

~$40 + cost of formulation (50 + cents per gram)


Refills are for established patients and may be requested twice after a follow up visit if the patient is stable on the previous formulation, no new symptoms have arisen, and no modifications are necessary.

~cost of Formulation (50 + cents per gram)